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Regular Meeting of May 23, 2012 at 7:30 pm
Council Chamber, Municipal Center,
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Peters, Salling, Curran, Boily, Hammar.

Staff Present:  Ann Mazur, Clerk.

Commissioner Peters convened the meeting at 7:30 pm.  


IW #12-22, 40 Sugar Lane, application by Stephen Paproski to widen a brook. This is the applicant’s first presentation by Stephen Paproski, 40 Sugar Lane, Newtown. Mr. Paproski said there are drainage tiles in his fields that cannot any longer drain the brook. There is not much of a channel any longer. There would be 1,500 yards of fill that will be removed. Mr. Paproski had thought that some of the fill can go in the wetlands. Commissioner Peters said that the Commission usually hears from an expert that a project will not harm the functionality of the wetlands. Commissioner Peters said that the Commission would like to see a detailed plan by an expert of where the fill will be removed and where it will be going. Commissioner Salling said that an expert in hydrology would perhaps be helpful. Diana Paproski said that the farm has been in place since the 40’s and if we don’t act fast enough there will no longer be a farm. Commissioner Peters said that the applicant should engage an expert as soon as possible. Commissioner Curran asked if a bridge will be placed to cross the stream to do this work. Mr. Paproski said that there are 30 inch tiles that will remain and will be crossed. Mrs. Paproski said that since the State put the bridge in on Route 302 it changed the water level in their fields. Mr. Paproski will discuss his proposal with Mr. Sibley. The application will be tabled until the next meeting.

IW #12-23, 15 Towns End Road, application by Renee and Robert Kinne for construction of a new house and for a wetlands crossing for the driveway. This is the applicant’s first presentation. Ben Doto, 248 Main Street, Danbury, represents the applicant. Cynthia Rabinowitz, soil scientist and Mr. Kinne were also present. The application is for a revised driveway to serve the lot. Mr. Doto noted that the original subdivision had a driveway on the easterly portion of the property. This driveway had a 1,900 sf. of wetlands loss. Also there were challenges to the site distance. Mr. Doto looked at relocating the driveway with the best site distances and less of a slope. There would be minimal grading  There would be two wetland crossings total 730 feet which is half of the original disturbance to the wetlands. This would be Alternative 2. Alternative 1 is the original approved driveway. There are many boulders in the original site. The boulders would not have to removed in Alternative 2. The driveway would be gravel as was originally approved. This would be on the downhill side of the wetlands and the driveway is 125 feet shorter than the original approval. The proposed driveway has been staked out.

Cynthia Rabinowitz, Soil Scientist, HG ConnSoil, LLC, Bethlehem, CT. delineated the wetlands back in the early 1990’s; this has not been updated. The original driveway skirts a fairly steep slope and she questions the stability of the upward slope. The proposed driveway would not have such major earthwork to be done. She said that the two crossings are of watercourses rather than wetlands. She said that this is a natural bottom crossing rather than a box crossing. She said that it is more beneficial for animals to have a natural crossing. Commissioner Salling asked if this would be the construction entrance as well in the future; Mr. Doto said that it will be and that it would be limited to the twelve foot wide gravel drive. Commissioner Peters asked how the crossing would be prevented from blocking up. Mr. Doto said that there should not be that much sediment but that the homeowners would have to keep an eye on this. Mr. Kinne said that there is not a change since when they had moved and they will watch this. He has not seen a huge flow in there. Ms. Rabinowitz said there should be no change in the velocity unless there is a major storm event. She feels that this would be the best wetland crossing. Commissioner Peters said that Aquarion has a watershed abutting this property and do you need their approval as the Commission usually coordinates projects with First Light. Mr. Doto said that the CT Dept of Health had to be notified. Commissioner Peters asked if large trees would be removed; Mr. Doto said a couple will come down but as many as possible will be saved. The Commissioners will walk the site again now that the driveway has been staked. The two crossings have been marked. Mr. Doto said that Alterative 2 meets the requirements for site distances. Commissioner Peters noted that the Town Engineer requested that the driveway be moved. The application will be tabled until the next meeting.

Acceptance of New Applications. IW #12-28, application by Green Envy Products, 134 Pepper Street, Monroe. Commissioner Hammar will review the application.

Announcements.   Commissioner Peters noted that Fairfield fined a resident about $400,000 for a violation in which the resident attempted to create a cranberry farm. Commissioners Peters and Salling are attending Segment 2 this Saturday. Commissioner Curran attended Segment 2 today and felt that it was very informative.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES.  Commissioner Curran moved to approve the minutes of April 25, 2012 as presented. Second by Commissioner Hammar with abstention by Commissioner Salling. All were in favor. Commissioner Boily moved to approve the minutes of May 9, 2012 as presented. Second by Commissioner Salling and unanimously carried with abstention by Commissioner Curran.

ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Boily  motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Hammar  seconded the motion.  The motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned at 8:20  pm.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk Pro Tem